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Extension component that handle abilitysystemcomponet interaction for pawn/character This component will also handle initialization for ASC and provides useful Qol functions to be use


Name Functionality
AddLooseGameplayTag Allows GameCode to add loose gameplaytag which are not backed by a GameplayEffect
RemoveLooseGameplayTag Allows GameCode to remove loose gameplaytag which are not backed by a GameplayEffect
ActivateAbilitiesWithTags Attempts to activate all abilities that match the specified tags
GetActiveAbilitiesWithTags Returns a list of active abilities matching the specified tags. This only returns if the ability is currently running
GetCooldownRemainingForTag Returns total time and remaining time for cooldown tags. Returns false if no active cooldowns found
GrantAbility Grant the specified ability on server
ExecuteGameplayCueWithParams Invoke a one time "instant" execute event for a gameplay cue on the component owner.
AddGameplayCueWithParams Invoke the added event for a gameplay cue on the component owner.
RemoveGameplayCueWithParams Invoke the removed event for a gameplay cue on the component owner.
ExecuteGameplayCueWithEffectContext Invoke a one time "instant" execute event for a gameplay cue on the component owner.
AddGameplayCueWithEffectContext Invoke the added event for a gameplay cue on the component owner.